Unpaid internships in the current climate
As the job market continues to struggle during this unfortunate pandemic, newly minted graduates are facing new challenges in finding a job for themselves. Many are desperate to launch their careers while being forced to sit idle for public health and safety. This type of predicament is when unpaid internships come into the light and unveil a route for unconventional employment arrangements that benefit both employers and employees. The employer gets to preview potential recruits without paying them, and the employee receives unique training, experience for a resume, and, possibly, a foot in the door for an actual job.
Is it worth doing an unpaid internship?
There are many incentives offered at a job, but the primary driving force is the remuneration. Conversely, the motivation to do an excellent job on your employment opportunity is quite apparent, but what rewards does a student get for doing a great job while doing an unpaid internship? As it turns out, there are plenty of benefits for students who complete an unpaid internship. In comparison, it is similar to getting good grades in college. Whether it is in a college class or interning for an employer, in the event of increased opportunities for the future in good working condition, especially when being assessed directly against others. Many start-ups looking for interns often offer unpaid positions as they try and grow and scale themselves.
Are unpaid internships legal?
In 2009, Australia’s known labour statute, the Fair Work Act put into action the following requirements for unpaid internship offers to be legal-
- The main requirements are that the trainee receives educational training or entitled to receive avocational placement and not as a regular employee.
- Must not displace paid workers, and does not guarantee a job at the end of the internship.
- The employer should not be receiving any immediate benefit from the internship.
Find out more details from Australian Fair Work ombudsman’s fact sheet here.
Benefits of Unpaid Internships
There are numerous advantages for students who complete an unpaid internship. In comparison, it is similar to getting good grades in college. Whether it is in a college or interning for an employer, whether they have been paid or not, interns will get their hands on advantages than a fresher.
- Professional standards– Be it any college or university, they can provide students with the best theoretical knowledge. Yet, when it comes to real-life experiences, nothing is quite like the exposure and the skills that you can acquire by actually working in an enterprise, as an intern.
- Networking- Consider this to be the first plan of action to take when in search of a new job or your first job. Establishing relations and building your networks in this corporate world is essential for your career growth and leads to qualitative job positions.
- Career Exploration– By working in your preferred field, you would be able to assess that this field is a good fit for you or not. It’s not right to judge a field by just doing an internship in it, but you may get a scratch idea about what your future career would be in it.
- Teamwork and Interpersonal Relationships- Dealing with the human resource and coping up with conflicts and differences of opinion or even handling a perfectionist boss, all these exposures are invaluable in preparing you for the real job.
● Resume-Building- The value of having an internship on your resume cannot be overlooked because having a work experience gives a collateral surety to the employer that you are already aware of the general business environment. You are not a neophyte in the field.
The conclusion
In the absence of financial compensation, unpaid internships come with some benefits. For example, doing a good job increases opportunities for the future, mainly when evaluated directly against other students or employees. Before applying, however, one should find out if the organization supports submitting a summary of work for education credits or certificates of vocational training.